Over the past 20 years we have consistently analyzed and tweaked our protocols, invested in every area of the farm and the team, and I believe now possess best in class abilities in stallion and mare management, young horse development, and client service.
We want to be challenged by clients and prospective clients so that we can better demonstrate the Blue Chip Advantage. Difficult mare to get in foal? Let's talk about a plan/deal. Need pedigree advice or access to stallions? Call us. Need help getting a mare dual residency? Call us. Want to explore on-farm embryo transfer or ICSI? Call us. No matter what the challenge we will give you a plan and keep you in the loop as much or little as you desire.
The Blue Crue (as they are affectionately known), is a group of dedicated professionals with 15+ years average tenure who know every detail of every horse and client on the farm. I often wish the clients could see their genuine pride and how much they care and will do anything to get a mare in foal, or improving a weaning till sale time. They question everything and make us constantly improve. Are the nutrients in the soil perfect, can we improve the other nutrition, is there a new procedure we can do to help problem mares, is our corrective trimming doing its job, should we have music at the consignment etc.
We aim to provide every horse on this farm the same enhanced level of care that we provide for our own, as we are positive that any shortcut is in the long run, economically foolish for a mare owner.
I invite you to come visit me at the farm and see the team in action. We remain ready and willing to share the benefit of the Blue Chip Advantage.
Thomas R. Grossman
Blue Chip Farms Owner